Anishanabe - The First People

Anishanabe Resources : First Nations Studies

When we use resources developed by a nation about themselves, we come closer to better understanding and learning about that culture. Please help add to the list of resources and links as you discover them, or create them. Be sure to designate, where possible if these resources are created by an "insider", someone who is part of the cultural heritage, or an "outsider", like myself.

Recess/la Recreation- An online game for children age 4-6
, in English and French which could be  enjoyed by older children as well. There are four activities: Colouring (modern life in a woodland setting with animation- printable), Mazes (seasons,animals, insects,clothes,vowels), Puzzles (of traditional lifestyle pictures), and Domino Fishing game (numbers).
 I wish this resource came with a teachers' guide to explain the significance of the medicine wheel used throughout the game, and perhaps references to the insects, animals and traditional music in the background. Older students could be encouraged to research the two different styles of homes shown in the traditional picture puzzles.  A good integration for the colouring would be to write a story to go with the pictures students create. This game could be used in French or English to help foster a learning of thise languages. I wish the game had included First Nations Languages as well. 
Here is the link to the game:

Mi'gmaq Culture - Celebration Days This link is to an article published on the Alaqsite’w Gitpu School web site Published in French, if Google Chrome is used as a browser with Google Translate enabled, English readers can use it as well.I would recommend having juniors and up doing a comparison study of the historical events mentioned in the article surrounding the founding of Halifax, for instance, and examine the events from what actually happened, and what people state the reasons behind the events may be. Then have students write a historical recount of the events from the view point of someone living at that time period, taking into account at least two different viewpoints.

First Nations Education Council - Studies and Publications These studies and publications examine the importance of First Nations Education Curriculum and Funding

What are some great resources you have found?


  1. Here is a site from the USA
    this is an insider's site with many links to great resources.

  2. Our Voices Our Stories
    an exhibition that celebrates the stories of the oral tradition of Inuit, Métis and First Nations, then and now in the national archives of Canada.


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